Fruity of Hints of Koji Rice

The 39 is a really lovely compromise between Dassai 23 and 45, possessing some of the best characteristics of both. The aromas are more subtle than the 23, but the acidity is higher, and the body is much more juicy and mouthwatering. There is a creamy, lactic texture in the mouthfeel as well. Savory, green, and vegetal notes of fennel and cucumber make up the aroma, followed by tastes of ripe Golden Delicious apple. The profile is pleasantly dry for such a highly polished daiginjo. I imagine a cold summer salad of watermelon, feta cheese, heirloom tomato and basil would be fantastic with Dassai 39.

39 是 Dassai 23 和 45 之間的一個非常可愛的折衷方案,擁有兩者的一些最佳特性。香氣比 23 更微妙,但酸度更高,酒體更加多汁和令人垂涎。口感上也有奶油般的乳酸感。茴香和黃瓜的鹹味、綠色和植物香氣構成了香氣,隨後是成熟金冠蘋果的味道。對於如此高度拋光的大吟釀來說,其輪廓非常乾燥。我想用西瓜、羊乳酪、傳家番茄和羅勒製成的夏季冷沙拉搭配 Dassai 39 會是非常棒的。

Price: RM 180.00 / RM 359.00 / RM 699.00
ALCOHOL % 15.00 %
GRADE Junmai Daiginjo
RICE TYPE Yamadanishiki
BREWERY Ashahi Shuzo
VOLUME 300.00ML | 720.00ML | 1800.00ML