
The taste of iichiko Special Shochu stays in the mouth for a long time. Due to the maturation in wooden barrels it has soft vanilla, light oak and spicy notes. The finish is straight with a long lasting aroma. On the palate this Shochu is smooth and piquant. The iichiko Special is made with white koji. In addition, 60 percent polished barley grains are used. Barley is also used for fermentation. This is very rare, as in most cases rice is inoculated with koji. With 30% alcohol the iichiko Special is a very gentle and elegant Shochu.

Since 2015, by the way, its taste has also regularly convinced the jury of the renowned International Wine & Spirit Competition (IWSC). It is awarded almost annually in the Shochu categories “Trophy” and “Gold Outstanding”. At the Ultimate Beverage Challenge (UBC) in New York, the special has also been winning prizes for years.

iichiko特製燒酒的味道在口中停留很長時間。由於在木桶中熟成,它具有柔和的香草、淡淡的橡木和辛辣的味道。餘韻平直,香氣持久。這款燒酒口感順滑、辛辣。 iichiko Special 是用白曲製成的。此外,還使用了 60% 的拋光大麥粒。大麥也用於發酵。這種情況非常罕見,因為在大多數情況下,大米都接種了曲。 iichiko Special 酒精濃度為 30%,是一款非常溫和、優雅的燒酒。

順便說一下,自 2015 年以來,其口味也經常令著名的國際葡萄酒與烈酒大賽 (IWSC) 的評審團信服。它幾乎每年都會在燒酒類別中榮獲“獎杯”和“傑出金獎”。在紐約的終極飲料挑戰賽 (UBC) 上,這款特別飲品也連續多年獲獎。

Price: RM 499.00
ALCOHOL % 30.00 %
BREWERY Iichiko Brewery